Spring camp in sunny Turkey

For many swimming clubs, it has become a tradition to run in the sun during the spring break to log some miles. This year, too, many Estonian swimming clubs spent a training camp in Turkey. We asked Kertu Kaare, one of Estonia's top juniors, how her training camp went.
Training camp through Kertu's eyes.
In the early morning of 18 April, the swimmers gathered again at Tallinn airport to set off for Turkey. Some had already flown in the day before. This time I was camped for the first time at the Titanic Hotel, where we camped with swimmers from Kalev UK, TOP, some from Audentes and MyFitness. I had previously camped at Gloria Sports Arena in Turkey on several occasions, but the Titanic experience was new and interesting for me. The hotel was great, everything was there - stadium, 50m good pool, gym, sea, beach, spa and great food. The weather was very good for a training camp - thankfully not too hot, but sunglasses on all the time and a layer of sun cream on the body. The mornings were cooler and you had to wear a sweatshirt or sweatshirt to go to breakfast, luckily our training started at 9.00 and by then the sun was already warm. Luckily I didn't get burnt out in this camp...

Our agenda looked like this:
7.30- wake-up call
7.45- eat
9.00-11.00- morning water workout
12.00-13.00- at the ÜKE stadium
14.00- lunch
14.30-15.15- a little nap
16.00-18.00- evening water training session
19.00- dinner
The schedules were long and tiring - in the mornings we swam about 7 km schedules, with a focus on aerobic base building, and in the evenings we focused on speed and power, with a mileage of around 6km. Although the schedules (especially in the mornings) were long and seemingly monotonous to an onlooker, there was actually something new and interesting in the workouts every day. In the morning we played football or did some moving exercises. There was always a good stretching session as well.

Traditionally, the first session of our camp started with a 30min self-swim, where we got to know a bit about the pool. In the very last session, we swam the victory relay.
The camp would not have been possible without the Arena equipment. In addition to the daily for training clothes were in use Swimming goggles, swim cap and new swimming costumes. My favourite tools were. lestad and labidad. For the camp everything was packed in a big Arena suitcase and for daily use a large bag was used. backpack.
All in all, I was very happy with the camp. Despite being one of the most exhausting camps I have been to, it was probably my favourite so far. In addition to the very good hotel, the company was great. I would always go to camp with friends like that. On the way back I was tired and happy.