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Tõeliselt kiire sprindisõidu triatlonikombe naistele! Kõik ÜHES ehk siis sa ei pea raiskama aega, et riideid vahetada. Triatlonikombe kujunduses on arvestatud kõigi spordialade eripära.
The material of the triathlon suit has a very low friction and is therefore very fast. It also helps to keep the swimming position in a relaxed position, making swimming even faster. The triathlon suit material supports the muscles correctly so that the work done by the muscle is directed in the right direction, thus saving energy. Body trajectories during swimming are natural due to the cut of the triathlon knot.
When you come out of the water, the triathlon suit dries very quickly. The material of the triathlon suit supports the muscles from the vibration caused by cycling, so the muscles do not use up the energy needed for vibration. The triathlon suit is breathable and the cut is also designed for cycling.
The triathlon suit breathes and the material supports the muscles from the vibrations caused by running, so the muscles don't waste energy resisting the vibrations, all the energy is used to keep moving.